SchedRight offers program owners a framework wherein all projects are laid out and their cash needs are identified on a monthly basis. Owner cash flow can be easily managed by balancing contractors’ payments during fiscal years or parts thereof with the available fund. Frequent updates of owner cash flow can be easily done to identify any unused cash and plan for efficient utilization.


Sets up multi-year cash-flow forecasts for owners who manage programs encompassing multiple construction projects ongoing at any time.

Calculates and displays the monthly cash needs of the individual projects and the total cash needs of all projects during the fiscal years or parts thereof.

Balance the amount of the cash required to make contractor payments with the available fund during fiscal years by optimizing the cash flow of some selected projects.

Allows owners to delay the start dates of selected projects within their programs to help balance the cash required with the available fund.


Sets up multi-year capital plans for project owners who manage programs encompassing multiple construction projects ongoing at any time.


Calculates and displays the monthly cash needs of the individual projects and the total cash needs of all projects during the fiscal years or parts thereof.


Aligns the amount of cash needed to make contractor payments with the allocated fund during fiscal years by optimizing the schedules of some selected projects.


Allows owners to delay the start date of selected projects within their programs to help align cash needs with the allocated fund.


Facilitates frequent updates of the capital plans upon performing schedule updates which enables owners to identify any unutilized cash at the earliest time.

Offers opportunities to use the unutilized cash via expediting the future work in the projects within the fiscal year and/or starting new projects.

Facilitate frequent updates of the cash flow upon performing schedule updates which enables owners to identify any unutilized cash at the earliest time.


Facilitates frequent updates of the capital plans upon performing schedule updates which enables owners to identify any unutilized cash at the earliest time.


Offers opportunities to use the unutilized cash via expediting the future work in the projects within the fiscal year and/or starting new projects.


Allows the owner to accomplish more projects within a given fiscal year and a given budget through the features of scheduling optimization and frequent updates.

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